National Science Olympiad (NSO) Syllabus (Class-wise 1 to 12) 2024-25
Syllabus for The National Science Olympiad (NSO) for the 2024-25 academic year (1 to 12):
Class 1:
- Section 1: Ranking Test, Spatial Understanding, Patterns, Geometrical Shapes, Grouping, Analogy, Odd One Out, Measuring Units.
- Section 2: Human Beings and their Needs, Weather and the Sky, Plants, Air and Water, Animals, Good Habits and Safety Rules, Living and Non-living Things.
- Section 3: Advanced questions based on Section 2 topics.
Class 2:
- Section 1: Embedded Figures, Patterns, Grouping of Figures, Odd One Out, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Geometrical Shapes, Measuring Units, Ranking Test, Series.
- Section 2: Human Body, Earth and Universe, Air, Water and Rocks, Transport and Communication, Plants, Family and Festivals, Animals, Occupations, Good Habits and Safety Rules, Food, Housing and Clothing.
- Section 3: Higher-order questions from Section 2
Class 3:
- Section 1: Ranking Test, Geometrical Shapes, Figure Matrix, Alphabet Test, Grouping of Figures, Days and Dates & Possible Combinations, Embedded Figures, Patterns, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Classification.
- Section 2: Light, Sound and Force, Birds, Earth and Universe, Human Body, Transport and Communication, Plants and Animals, Food, Housing and Clothing, Our Environment.
- Section 3: Complex questions derived from Section 2.
Class 4:
- Section 1: Direction Sense Test, Alphabet Test, Mirror Images, Coding-Decoding, Days and Dates & Possible Combinations, Patterns, Embedded Figures, Geometrical Shapes, Ranking Test, Analogy and Classification.
- Section 2: Food and Digestion, Force, Work and Energy, Animals, Earth and Universe, Clothing, Plants, Matter and Materials, Our Environment.
- Section 3: Challenging questions based on Section 2 content.
Class 5:
- Section 1: Geometrical Shapes, Puzzle Test, Embedded Figures, Water Images, Patterns, Analogy and Classification, Direction Sense Test, Alphabet Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Mirror Images, Ranking Test, Coding-Decoding.
- Section 2: Natural Resources, Force, Work and Energy, Pollution and Calamities, Animals, Matter, Plants, Earth and Universe, Human Body and Health.
- Section 3: Questions requiring higher-order thinking from Section 2 topics.
Class 6:
- Section 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Ranking Test, Patterns, Alphabet Test, Embedded Figures, Geometrical Shapes.
- Section 2: Food and its Components, Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light, Shadows and Reflections, The World of Living, Changes Around Us, Fibre to Fabric, Electricity and Circuits, Sorting and Separation of Materials, Our Environment.
- Section 3: Critical thinking questions based on Section 2.
Class 7:
- Section 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Direction Sense Test, Mirror Images, Ranking Test, Coding-Decoding.
- Section 2: Motion and Time, Physical and Chemical Changes, Fibre to Fabric, Light, Electric Current and its Effects, Acids, Bases and Salts, Transportation in Plants and Animals, Weather, Respiration in Organisms, Reproduction in Plants, Heat, Natural Resources and their Conservation.
- Section 3: Advanced-level questions from Section 2 topics.
Class 8:
- Section 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Embedded Figures, Patterns, Geometrical Shapes.
- Section 2: Microorganisms, Metals and Non-metals, Light, Stars and the Solar System, Crop Production and Management, Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Reproduction and Endocrine System, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Sound, Pollution of Air and Water, Coal and Petroleum, Force and Pressure, Friction, Combustion and Flame, Cell.
- Section 3: Higher-order questions based on Section 2.
Class 9:
- Section 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Embedded Figures, Patterns, Coding-Decoding.
- Section 2: Diversity in Living Organisms, Motion, Cell-The Fundamental Unit of Life, Gravitation, Tissues, Sound, Work and Energy, Structure of Atom, Is Matter Around Us Pure, Atoms and Molecules, Why Do We Fall Ill, Natural Resources, Force and Laws of Motion, Improvement in Food Resources, Matter in Our Surroundings.
- Section 3: Complex reasoning questions from Section 2 topics.
Class 10:
- Section 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Embedded Figures, Geometrical Shapes.
- Section 2: Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Periodic Classification of Elements, Light-Reflection and Refraction, Carbon and Its Compounds, Life Processes, Control and Coordination, Reproduction in Organisms, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Heredity and Evolution, Metals and Non-metals, Human Eye and Colourful World, Sources of Energy, Our Environment and Its Management.
- Section 3: Higher-order thinking questions from Section 2.
Classes 11:
- Section 1: Higher Order Thinking Questions from Sections 2 and 3.
- Section 2: Physics: Units and Measurements, Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves. Chemistry: Structure of Atom, Chemical Bonding, Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry. Mathematics/Biology: Sets, Relations, Functions, Logarithms, Trigonometry, Probability, Cell Structure and Functions, Plant Physiology.
- Section 3: Diversity in the Living World, Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals.
Classes 12:
- Section 1: Higher Order Thinking Questions from Sections 2 and 3.
- Section 2: Physics: Electricity, Magnetism, Thermodynamics, Modern Physics. Chemistry: Inorganic, Organic, Physical Chemistry. Mathematics/Biology: Calculus, Vectors, Genetics, Biotechnology, Ecology and Environment.
- Section 3: Questions derived from Section 2 topics focusing on critical thinking.
NSO Exam Pattern for 2024-25:
Click here for NSO Exam Pattern for 2024-2025
For more details and updates, please refer to the official websites of the organising bodies or consult with your school administration.
Enroll Our Courses.
Speaking, Writing and reading.
Basic - Advanced level.
Classes duration:
6 - 8 months.
Vedic maths ( Twice a week).
Classes duration:
3 to 6 months.
Syllabus (B):
Maths Curriculum.
Classes duration:
3 to 6 months.
Beginners - advanced:
Reading skills.
Writing skills.
Classes duration:
3 to 6 months.
(a) 42 letters sounds and actions,
(b) Blending and segmenting,
(c) Spelling rules - floss, rabbit and magic e etc,
(d) Digraphs,
(e) Soft and hard c and g,
(f) Educational games,
(g) Interactive classes.
Classes duration:
6-8 months.
Syllabus (A):
MS Excel basic.
MS Excel advance.
Classes duration:
25 - 35 session.
Syllabus (B):
Basic Machine Learning.
Classes duration:
6 Months Training By Industry Experts.
Syllabus (C):
Classes duration:
3 to 6 Months Training By Industry Experts
5th Class - 12th Class